MATLAB / Octave Tutorial----Chapter 3-----Visualising the data(Part 3)
Chapter 3: Visualising the data Part 3 Welcome to the third and the final part of this chapter. In this part, you'll come to learn how to plot complex(not in the mathematical sense!) functions. But before that, I shall show you some more tools about visualising the data. The first one is, subplot. This method is used for plotting different graphs on a single figure/window. The syntax for subplot is: subplot(a,b,c). Here, a is the number of rows in which the figure has to be divided into, b is the number of columns and c denotes the subdivision where we want to plot the graph. For example, subplot(2,1,1) means: Divide the graph into two rows and one column and plot the graph in the first subdivision. Fig 1: Demonstration of subplots We shall type the following on the command window and see the output. The output is shown below: Let's see a few more subplot examples: You can try various other variations of subplots. Howeve...